12 CDs Done

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day two, nothing recorded yet

Day one did not go well. I did get the chords, MIDI track and lyrics down to Fireflies (figured out best key to sing it too), but did not get to actually record. My wife informed me that we don't have enough gigs booked for this month and February, so I had to stop recording and do some marketing. I did get one show for February and did a new promo video for my Six Traits CD. Here we go...day two, what will I get done today?


  1. Okay Mr. Billy...

    I want to help you do this...My name is Johnny Walker and I am a singer songwriter...a friend of mine sent me this link as I was posting my new music on YouTube...I was reading your blog and thought to my self that this guy sounds JUST LIKE ME! Well... This is what I mean...3 years ago I decided to do something crazy and profound with my life...(in a good way)...I said that I wanted to write about 150 songs in 15 months...and said that I wanted to be next 'big thing" in terms of a world class songwriter...well... I did meet and surpass my goal. Good for you Mr. Billy...I am trying to think of ways to help you meet you goal...but I think that you can do much more..."Fireflies'...I love it!

    So...How can I help?

    Johnny Walker



  2. Hi, sorry I never replied to your post. The beginning of the month all this stuff was new to me. Tried to find your youtube channel but it wasn't there.
