12 CDs Done

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Almost Done, Now the Work Begins

Remember the movie "Field of Dreams"? There is a famous line, "if you build it they will come", I think it is. Well, sad to say, that isn't usually true. Building is just the first step, getting the word out there is the next, and that is what I've been working on for the past few days.

I finished the cover artwork, here it is...what do you think?

I've set up a new website for librarians and other folks interested in summer reading, check that out at www.summerreadingsongs.com , I'm blogging (as you know), Tweeting, FaceBooking and Google + ing too.

I took a little extra time to make a promo video for YouTube...

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE share these links with your email, FaceBook, Twitter, Google and other social (and REAL) friends or anyone you think might find my project or any of the resulting CDs interesting, OK?


  1. Brilliant. Keep up the good work!
    (Thanks, Cathy for helping me to figure out how to get here from the no-reply e-mails).

  2. fun as always, thanks for sharing!
    Hope you fare well with this might project mighty Mr. Billy!

    cheers, Peter from Chinawhite
