12 CDs Done

Monday, December 3, 2012

Clones are People Two!

OK, CD #9 is in the bag, here comes CD #10...


Note the question mark, the idea is not to do a traditional science CD for kids (something that is all the rage these days), but a near future "what if" romp of wild imagination.

If all goes well there will be songs about robots, aliens, food (the science way), flying cars, weightlessness, space, Bigfoot, The Loch Ness Monster, Roswell and CLONES!

The first song I recorded is a remake of an old classic rock songs called "I Think We're Alone Now" with new words by Weird Al renamed, "I Think I'm a Clone Now". Very funny. Fun to record.

I only have 28 more days. Many of my friends and family are pitching in to help. Dave and Oliver Kinnoin are writing/ co-writing and producing some stuff and my son Wil (AKA POD PERSiN) is producing and writing  3 new tracks!

One called "Vacation in Roswell", another titled "What If?" and another with Dave Kinnoin doing lyrics called "My Robot Army". This is not the first time Wil has written songs of recorded instruments other than drums on one of my CDs, but the first time he's produced the music. I'm a proud dad.

OK, here is the first track from the new CD, I hope you love it...leave a comment. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I love the sound effects, vocal effects, etc. It all fits together so nicely! Bravo! :)
