12 CDs Done

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

So Let Me Introduce to You...

I have five members of my musical family and 3 new songs to introduce to you today...

My 16 year old son Wil Grisack (ALA Pod Persin), my 13 year old daughter Taelor Grisack and Monty Harper (good friend and co-writer), Dave Kinnoin (recently acquired big brother and song wizard) and Clark Colburn (rock guitarist). All three of these people are very important to the last few songs of CD #11, "Another Bunch of Electric Bananas".

The last three songs of the CD are done, at least my part, Monty is still working on a few things...but more in that later.

I have a great time recording the last three songs, each for a very different reason. Let me explain...

1. Bing, Bang Boom - a song about my daughter by Dave Kinnoin. The best part about this one was having Taelor play the drums on the track. She did a FANTASTIC job. we set up in the living room and did it after school. You can hear it for yourself...

2. Mario Overworld Theme - OK, this is a gas. My son Wil has been drumming with me for many, many years. He recently recorded two solo CDs under the name POD PERSIN. It's all instrumental gamer music, very cool...he plays everything mostly on an iPod! Anyway, he was recording the Mario game theme for his CD and asked if I wanted to use it on my CD. I said yes and added some guitar and then asked my new favorite guitar player Clark Colborn to do a wild melody to spice and rock it up. Between the three of use I think we have a winner! Check it out (share too!)

3. I Go Bananas for Bananas - This was the first song I picked for this CD and ironically it's the last one I am recording. I planned to record it last night so that I could get a good jump on CD 12 today, but I haven't been feeling well so I decided to finish this one today and start CD #12 later today after my celebration nap, or tomorrow. I don't have a track to play for you right now as Monty is adding his voice and some effects. so you just have to wait until tomorrow. Anyway, for the most part I am done with CD #11, only 12 days left to finish before the deadline. Please share this with as many people as possible and try to get an exciting buzz as I near the wire!

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