12 CDs Done

Thursday, December 6, 2012

How the Heck Do I Do It???

Over and over people always ask me how I get so much done. To be honest I've been wondering the same this. So today with deadline looming (25 days to finish 3 last CDs) I have decided to take you with me...all day. Maybe we can both learn something...ready?

5:30 - Alarm goes off (that's 5:30 am for all you musicians out there). Keep hitting snooze over and over and over.

6:00 am (guess I should put the AM and PM in, huh?) - Drink coffee and hang out with my wonderful wife till she has to got to work...what? She can't find her keys???

6:30 am - Record my "Mad Music Marketing Podcast" at the kitchen table on my iPhone using the Spreaker app.

6:45 am - Spontaneously write and record a short silly song of the day about St. Nick on the living room piano and post it up to Shout-)-Matic (again on my iPhone).

7:00 am - Make breakfast for me and my daughter.

7:30 am - Try to drive kids to school while arguing with my "usually very awesome" son about taking stuff into the house first...after a long staring match I finally get them to school, almost on time. I WILL NOT pick them up today, no way.

8:00 am - Ready to record. Ooops, the computer is a little cranky and I don't have the files I need downloaded, OK, lets update the booking calendar and send a email newsletter to my fans while I wait.

9:00 am - Newsletter done, took quick shower (TMI?) ready to record.

9:15 am - Working on a track Oliver Kinnoin sent me, I like his demo so much I am keep much of the music and ALL of his vocals. I am adding drum, keyboards, guitar and my vocals. The song is called "Weightless".

10:45 am - dome recording...wow I guess I do record fast huh? Take another shower (TM, TMI? Sorry I get very hot and sweaty when I record stuff)

11:00 am - write this blog post while uploading the song to SoundCloud.

11:15 am - Here is the first song I recorded today, I plan to do three, but we'll see...

11:30 am - More coffee. I think I'll start another song before lunch. What to do...how about "Peanut Butter and Jellyfish?" I just got this demo from Monty Harper and Dino O'Dell late last night. Yeah, let me get the words and demo up...after I check my email...faceBook...OK, gotta stop that, back to work...

12:07 pm - Get all the guitars, drum loops and bass done and recorded in GarageBand on my little cheap used MacBook (not a Pro...anyone wanna donate?). Now I need to edit and arrange the tracks so I can do my vocals...getting hungry and the phone has been ringing...better check that...

12:49 pm - While recording my vocals Cathi (Mrs. Billy) called during her lunch break. Almost done with the vocals! I think I'll finish and then have lunch!

1:15 pm - After the phone call took a nice little cat nap (why do they call it that?), now to finish the vocals, the song and have lunch!

1:30 pm - DONE! Sounds awesome. Saving and uploading now. Time for lunch. But first, here comes the post...

2:15 pm - OK, I'm back. Had some soup and crackers while I listened to the ESPN Football Today podcast (For some reason football stuff is the only think that totally takes my mind off of music and business stuff...weird). Now I need to decide what I'm gonna do next...another song? Let's see what I have on the to do list...

2:35 pm - While trying to pick the next song (I did) I got a call from a library and book a summer reading concert! Had to update schedule, website and make a contract. Kids are coming home from school in less than an hour, things usually grind to a halt when they get home.

2:51 pm - OK I picked the song I want to do next but I have to play piano on it. Problem is I don't have my midi keyboard hooked up to my MacBook (option 1) or a way to record the piano in our living room (option 2). I tried doing it on the keyboard of the iPad (I do a lot of my keyboard parts on that, but this one is real piano stuff). So, I have to see which option will actually work.

3:00 pm - Off to the kitchen to set up a keyboard and try to record it.

4:05 pm - Getting a bit tired now, should take a real nap before I have to go to parents night at my kids school. Oh, I did have to leave in the middle of recording to pick up my daughter...she got too cold walking home..in shorts...in winter...oy.

I have gotten the piano and some other keyboards done on the song, but I don't think I like it, I wish I had a real piano player play it on a real piano...dreamer that I am. I'm gonna take a stab at the vocal before I call it a day.

5:01 pm - Well I did it. THREE songs done! The piano stuff sounded great as an electric piano with some stings way in the background. VERY HARD TO SING! I am saving it now one now, but I don't think I'll be able to upload or post it tonight, I have to be at my kids school in about 25 minutes.

So, there you have it a day with Mr. Billy in the studio and around town...from 5:30 to about 5:30! Any questions?


  1. Hey, this doesn't even come close to telling how you do it. If you really want to show how you do it, set up a live webcam so we can watch. (Just in the studio, the rest we don't need to see, thank you very much.) Especially during your final push, it could draw a crowd!

  2. Especially that part where u take a shower! Seriously though, I do this much in my sleep. Ha ha. Just kidding. I am blown away. This was revwealing though somewhat depressing for us mortal musican animals. Live yur new songs! Still, how do u do it???
