12 CDs Done

Monday, October 8, 2012

I can do more than 12 CDs, right?

If I can record 12 CDs a year, why not 13?

That is probably what's going to happen if I reach my goal of recording and releasing 12 CDs in 2012. Why? Well, the last CD, CD number six was such a disaster that I actually had to record the entire CD, but it was only released once. That means if I do get 12 CDs done this year (which is looking a little bleak right now) I will actually going through the process of recording 13 CDs. But I can't think about that right now.

Today I need to think about CD number seven, "Boogaloo Zoo", the all animal CD.

Thanks little help from my friends and family I'm doing pretty good with this one.

Graham Sacks, an awesome guitarists from south Africa has done an entire track, all the instruments for me. It's a cover, ironically, of the Lion Sleeps Tonight. The track is pretty much done, but am hoping Graham will send me a cool jazz guitar solo to go with it. This man really is amazing, and he is going through some hard life challenges right now. If you can, please take the time to check out his new children's nursery rhyme CD, it's awesome and the best part… It's only five dollars, you can pay more if you want to, I did and it's worth every penny. You could check them out here…

My son, Wil has helped me out a lot too. While we were on tour North Carolina will and I spend a lot of time on our days off recording drums guitar and bass tracks together. We did about a half dozen songs. All I have to do is add vocals, and some miscellaneous instruments.

My good songwriting buddy Dave Kinnoin has stepped in with two awesome songs of his own and helped me with a song about penguins I've been working on for five years, it's done now… And it is awesome.

I don't have any songs to play for you today, so why not check out Graham Sacks, okay?

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