12 CDs Done

Sunday, August 12, 2012

You Wanna PEACE of This?

Wow two blog posts in one day day, what's going on here???

I just finished a cover of Cat Stevens classic Peace Train song.

I have always loved this song, it was a big hit when I was in high school… Yes I am that old.

My wife, is a big 10,000 Maniacs fan, I really like their version of the song but I was worried that covering this to might be a bit controversial. Natalie Merchant, lead singer of 10,000 Maniacs wanted to have the song removed from their CD when Cat Stevens converted to Islam… Whatever. I still like the song and I think as a great message, whether the author still believes in the message are not is not an issue for me… I'll let the song do the talking.

Here's the track, please send me your comments and thoughts… Most of all, enjoy! Back to the studio...

1 comment:

  1. I think it must be great- though I can't hear it from here on my computer. I have no idea why. But everything else u come up with is amazing- so why not this?

    Peace & love to everyone......
