12 CDs Done

Monday, September 3, 2012

My Next CD Cover is Sick, Me Too

I was in a really great roll with the new CD "A Boy and His Guitar" six songs done in 2-3 days, until I got sick.

So while I've been recovering and visiting with my in-laws from Wyoming I've been sitting on the couch and at the table with my iPad working on my NEXT CD cover, "Boogaloo Zoo". The cover is totally sick (thats what the kids say, right? Sick is good?) All songs about animals. The album title was my daughter Taelors idea and the artwork is a takeoff of the Beatles Abby Road album cover.

The current CD cover and this one were totally designed from the ground up on my iPad. What do you think? Will the kids dig it?


  1. A guaranteed winner! Keep 'em coming! You r amazing!! The Beatles would like it too!

  2. Billy, Great cover! Hope you feel better soon. Don't forget to check out the millions of animal tunes I sent...
