12 CDs Done

Friday, September 7, 2012

My next CD is a bit out of my comfort zone

"A Boy and His guitar", the CD that I'm finishing hopefully today, was supposed to be a simple little in and out collection of acoustic guitar and voice songs. Something to help me get back on track after my non-stop crazy summer.

But the old Mr. Billy slowly began creeping in and I started to overproduce the tracks adding extra guitars, harmony vocals and even (gasp!) percussion parts! This was not the manifesto for love next step in my musical madness marathon.

You see, even though there are a lot of people out there that say they like my voice and think I'm a good singer, frankly my singing kind of frightens me. I like it just fine when there are many distractions, like cool guitars, big drums, sound effects and…autotune! But once I striped all that away my insecurity came back with a vengence.

Honestly, it wasn't until I played my cover version of the Beatles, "Blackbird" (which my daughter, the ultimate Beatles fan absolutely hated!) That I realized I had gone too far.

Today, I'm looking back at the tracks that are recorded and I'm tweaking and fixing them, simplifying things and... recording the last new tracks, one traditional tune and two songs by members of the Kinnoin songwriting family (they are so cool!).

Here's my final version of "Blackbird" (daughter approved), I hope you don't hate it too much. Was this CD adventure a bad idea? What do you think? Gentle comments...pretty please? 

1 comment:

  1. hey I liked it too. And I completely understand how naked this must feel. Trust me, you are a better singer then many.
    Just set it to a key low enough for you to be comfortable with.

    Keep watching out for the angry birds and avoid auto tune ;-)

    Cheers, Peter
