12 CDs Done

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Diving Into the Next Song

Hello, good morning!

Didn't sleep much last night, but I don't really care… I will try to get this CD done by the week.

Later today I plan to finish the vocals for the song I was working on late last night, called "Lotta Good in There", did you hear it yet? it's the previous post, music only… It rocks.

Today I'm kicking off with a song written by Grammy award-winning songwriter Marla Lewis about But I don't really care… I will try to get this CD done by the week.

Later today I plan to finish the vocals for the song I was working on late last night, called "Lotta Good in There", did you hear it yet? it's the previous post, music only… It rocks.

Today I'm kicking off with a song written by Grammy award-winning songwriter Marla Lewis about Jacques Cousteau.

I'm starting this project from scratch, no idea what it will end up looking like. All I have is a simple demo from Marla.

SIDEBAR-I got Dragon Express for my Mac yesterday so I can talk instead of type, faster...BUT...helpful hint from Mr. Billy, don't plan to eat breakfast (or any other meal) while trying to dictate...it's just not pretty. Put the bagel down sir...step away from the bagel...

OK, OK, back on track...hey I finished the bagel, hold on...

Okay now that I'm done with my bagel, I can get back to talking and typing. No, my bagel is gone… So it's time to get back to work and record this awesome song.

Time to put on my flippers, mask, snorkel and dive in!

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